Looking for a boat
Tell us about your project
Buy your next boat!
Our ethos is quality, elegant and refined yachting.
You’re looking for a real quality boat, made to last, in short a premium boat.
We offer you brands that are all benchmarks in their field:
- Nordship : the benchmark for Nordic deck lounges.
- Wauquiez : the light boats, the essential deck saloon yachts.
- Occasions premium : Find all these brands and many more in second-hand boats.
For all these boats, we can support you throughout your project :
- Definition of a boat.
- Call for tenders from suppliers.
- Construction monitoring.
- Launching the boat.
- Getting started.
- Followed for years.
- Resale if programme change.
To be honest, we’re not hardcore boat salesmen… in fact, we’ve had a lot of experience…
nous sommes des accompagnateurs de projet.
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